How to find our Instagram RSS Feed?
Instagram is another popular social network that continues to grow rapidly instead Facebook, G+ and twitter.
Many blogger use Instagram for promoting their site or add their Instagram activity in their blog sidebar. If you have a WordPress site, you can use instapress plugin. Unfortunately, that plugin won’t work on your blog at the moment.
I ask this problem to my friend; then he sent me a suggestion for using third party site, such as, or I think the RSS widget from stagram is very simple.
URL Syntax:
I want to get recent images from Ian J Somerhalder Instagram, so I need to replace username to ianjsomerhalder. Do you know who he is?
the URL syntax would be:
However, the error is shown. So, I decide to use an official Instagram hash tag RSS.
URL Syntax:
You can replace ianjsomerhalder with another popular hashtag.
The next problem is how to increase your instagram followers?
It’s easy, if we has many unique photos to share or join community according to our hobby.
When I search to google, I found site that offering me to buy Instagram followers with cheap price. Is it true followers or bots?
I will read more details information at that site.
Thanks for reading 🙂