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How to enjoy weekend alone

I think it's not too bad for enjoy the weekend alone. If you stay in a small village with prairie, can you enjoy your weekend?
I think I feel happier in this place then stay in coffee or theatre.

How to enjoy weekend alone Hey, I am never alone because the shepherd boys are my new friends in this place. I can see how they were delighted while shepherding in the wild.
Towards the harvest, they usually help their parent in fields and bringing the kite late in the afternoon.
If their parent has buffalo, they go to river for bathing their buffalo every morning.
Sometimes, the boys bathe with their buffalo at this river. Does it seem ridiculous?
I'm not sure, but I think you will never find this unique behavior in your town.

They have amazing skills that I had never known before. The village kids can catch the fish with very simple tools.
Unfortunately,I have not yet passed for practicing their skill about how to use their tools.
They did not have much money and modern technology, but it does not mean that they can't enjoy their live.
They are very well trained to live among the wild.
However, when you ask my brother about how to enjoy the weekend alone, he had a different answer:
'Turn off the cell phone, play some music then have a sleep over'.
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Overall, you can follow my brother suggestion, or you can do anything for make your weekend feel relax.
Enjoy your weekend :)